General Health

Testosterone Booster – Development of Male Characteristics

Muscle Growth

Testosterone and men are two sides of same coin. You can not think of men without this vital hormone that not only regulates sexual and reproductive functions in men, but also provide them with greater muscle mass and strength factor.

Most bodybuilders take supplements testosterone to help stimulate muscle growth.

Development of secondary male characteristics such as growth beard, chest hair and deepening of the voice is also accredited to the male hormone.

How the effects of testosterone Muscle Growth

Muscle Growth

Testosterone has an anabolic effect on your muscles. There are certain factors that may influence the level of testosterone in the body and these include:

  • your diet
  • Exercise and activity physical
  • sleep quality and time
  • stress levels, etc.

Men with low testosterone levels often suffer from low libido or decreased, muscle weakness, hair loss and depression.

These symptoms are caused because is inadequate stimulation of the pituitary gland. When the pituitary gland is stimulated it produces luteinizing hormone (LH), also known as gonadotropin, which stimulates the testes to produce testosterone.

Importance of compound exercises

Exercises bearing joints involving a group of muscles are known to be very effective in increasing your body’s production of testosterone. Some examples include squats, bench presses, pulls, deadlifts, rows. power cleans, dips, cracks, etc.

However, you do not raise heavy weight to increase your testosterone level. Training with 100% intensity and effort, while making multiple exercises, multiple games, and multiple repetitions have the same effect as lifting heavy weights. These workouts up enormous amounts of stress muscles and body, thus stimulating the pituitary gland that sends TH your testicles, causing them to further increase their testosterone production.

An important need that you should keep in mind is that you should limit your workout to 45-60 minutes in one session. It is because after an hour of intense workout your body begins to produce cortisol that adversely affects testosterone production.

Importance of Food

Your diet plays an equally important role in the production of testosterone. You must give your body enough protein for optimal testosterone production. In addition, your diet should include moderate amounts of Essential Fats are extremely important for the production of anabolic steroid hormones like testosterone.

Food containing EFA are:

  • nuts
  • olives
  • olive oil
  • Lawyers
  • saturated fats in red meat
  • egg yolks
  • fatty fish like salmon, sardines etc.

Addition this form, you should limit your intake of carbohydrates that tend to increase insulin levels in the blood which affects negatively the rate testosterone.

Make sure you let your body recover after each workout. Your muscles need a lot time to heal all the muscle tears. If you workout without resting your muscles will never grow. Research has shown that testosterone levels collapsed by 40% with poor sleep quality.

Herbal Testosterone Supplements

Herbal supplements are becoming more popular because they can help meet food shortages and help provide the impetus it needs for optimal production of testosterone.

Supplements herbal or natural are a powerful combination of time tested herbs and other nutrients that give a boost to the production of your own body to testosterone.

Men who have low testosterone levels found supplements such extremely useful for them to regain their vigor and strength.

To learn more about the most effective and widely acclaimed natural Testosterone for men that has helped thousands of men increase their testosterone levels without side effects.

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